• Darko Zagar Photography
  • Darko Zagar Photography
  • Darko Zagar Photography
This wine-centric restaurant with a contemporary balance of rustic and modern features is sure to appeal to the connoisseurs of wine, food and design.

"Striking details abound.  The ladies' room is done up with splashes of shocking pink; in the men's room, there's an arty black-and-white nude that takes up an entire wall." July 2007

"...Proof opens with a single-sofa lounge and a pewter-topped bar whose overhead display is not a series of TVs, ..., but monitors that take advantage of the nearby Portrait Gallery's vast archive of images. ... In the Dining room proper, see-through racks of wine double as dividers, espresso-colored leather booths create cocoons of privacy, and brick walls are punctuated by copper-framed round mirrors that reflect the show out on the sidewalk.  Naked light bulbs suspended from the ceiling cast an amber glow, while patrons including Wolf Blitzer add further wattage to the scene.  Be sure to check out the restrooms, which have become talkers; their walls  (well, I can vouch for the men's walls) are a cross between a Playboy centerfold and film noir -- sensual nudes in black and white." Tom Sietsema Wahsington Post Magazine October 2007

"Champagne trolleys roll up table-side at this new  Penn Quarter spot from first-time restaurateur and longtime wine collector Mark Kuller."Food & Wine November 2007

"Proof's decor is both warm and contemporary, with rich textures like grommet-studded leather on the banquets and woven leather on the chairs.... the bathrooms are pure cheek." Roll Call Around The Hill November 2007

"The panties, stockings and other unmentionables are hardly the typical DC decor..." DC Luxury August 2007

". . . the handsome watering hole across from the National Portrait Gallery stands out as one of the best places to sit, sip and snack the night away. For openers, the dining room, warm in brick and espresso-colored booths, is both comfortable and stylish." Tom Sietsema Wahsington Post Fall Dining Guide 2008