• Darko Zagar Photography
  • Darko Zagar Photography
  • Darko Zagar Photography
  • Darko Zagar Photography
The dim candle-lighting and black and white family photos adorning Cava’s charming brick interior walls creates a welcoming atmosphere.

"With its stained-cement floors, industrial ceilings, and fashionably if casually decked-out patrons, Cava. . . gives every indication of being the sort of self aware, style-minded place that seems to open every other week. . . But look again. There, above a line of gleaming wood tables, is a mural of sad-eyed men in Greek fishing caps, nursing glasses of ouzo and playing backgammon. On the side wall are black-and-white family photos of the kind once common in big-hearted places that wore their immigrant heritage on their walls..." Washingtonian, September 2009

"Art for the moody, warm-in-wood restaurant comes by way of the staff and friends and relatives, whose black-and-white childhood photos enliven the rear walls. That little kid in his dad's arms in the port in Athens is the now-30-year-old Moshovitis." Tom Sietsema Wahsington Post May 2009

"The Scene: This is a gorgeous space. Exposed brick runs along the wall behind the bar area. Leather panels dress up the ceiling, from which hangs large, circular light fixtures. In a nice, homey touch, black-and-white family photos line the opposite wall. A large-format painting of men playing backgammon hangs opposite the lofted second-floor dining room. Up there, you'll also find one of two handsome outdoor spaces (the other is a modest sidewalk cafe" The Washington Examiner July 2009