Jade Residence
Wildwood, NJ
Drawing on the foundation of the family's business, an 18-room motel in the heart of the Wildwoods’ doo-wop district, the Jade residence does double-duty. Not only is it a vacation home that works hard by incorporating two income-generating rental units and sustainability systems which contribute to the grid, it is also a retirement home that grows to make space for the next generation of the family tree. Ground-floor rental units replicating the original motel serve as foundation to the family residence on the upper two floors. A double-height living room connects the master bedroom and guest levels and features apertures which open towards the view of the ocean. Light monitors above are oriented to provide constant diffuse daylight while collapsible glass partitions on the exterior façade bind interior and exterior space. The building skin utilizes standard window cladding and window units to create a custom hurricane-resistant rain screen.
Drawing on the foundation of the family's business, an 18-room motel in the heart of the Wildwoods’ doo-wop district, the Jade residence does double-duty. Not only is it a vacation home that works hard by incorporating two income-generating rental units and sustainability systems which contribute to the grid, it is also a retirement home that grows to make space for the next generation of the family tree. Ground-floor rental units replicating the original motel serve as foundation to the family residence on the upper two floors. A double-height living room connects the master bedroom and guest levels and features apertures which open towards the view of the ocean. Light monitors above are oriented to provide constant diffuse daylight while collapsible glass partitions on the exterior façade bind interior and exterior space. The building skin utilizes standard window cladding and window units to create a custom hurricane-resistant rain screen.